
Single Family Homes

Your home is in many cased your most valuable asset, whether you own or rent, and at Longhorn Pest Control, we understand this. When pests infest your home or property, you want them gone, and you want them gone fast, yet more than that, you want to hire someone you trust in your home, with your family.

There are many pests in our area. Some do more damage than floods, fires, and tornados combined. Others share our dinner table, eating our food, and contaminating it. Some bite, including bed bugs, some ants, including pharaoh ants which feed on flesh wounds. Some pests sting, causing allergic reactions, and even death. Others can gnaw on wires and start fires. Some spread disease, like flies, birds, some ants, bats, mosquitos, and more. Others cause fear, or just make your house look unkept, like spiders.

By hiring Longhorn Pest Control to control and prevent pests at your home, you'll improve your quality of life and peace of mind.

Longhorn Pest Control has a quarterly home service (every three months), although the service schedule/frequency may be customized to fit your needs. Customers are FULLY GUARANTEED throughout the year. In other words, if you ever need our service, just call and we will schedule an appointment, regardless of when your regularly scheduled treatment is.

Covered Pests

The covered pests are rats, mice, roaches, ants, spiders, crickets, centipedes, spiders, waterbugs, sow bugs, millipedes, bee/wasp/hornet nests, lady bugs, and boxelder bugs. Have you had any of these in the past year? If so, Longhorn Pest Control can help.

At Longhorn Pest Control, we stress prevention. By utilizing inspections and good verbal and written reports, we are able to make recommendations for structural modification, sanitation improvements, allowing you to keep your environment less conducive to pest entry and infestation.

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